문서 개정 이력
날짜 | 제목 | 상세 |
2024-08-02 | 초안 작성 | 최초 메뉴얼 포스팅 |
2024-08-15 | 1차 개선 | Save 파일 위치 업데이트 / 기타 오류 수정 |
테크팀 채널 소개
테크팀 채널은 누구나 친구들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 사설서버를 구축하기 위한 강의를 제공하기 위해 만들어졌습니다.
아래와 같은 다양한 공식 자료를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
제목 | 링크이동 |
테크팀 유튜브 채널 | 링크이동 |
테크팀 디스코드 서버 | 링크이동 |
테크팀 강의 노트 | 링크이동 |
T2서버 (사설서버운영중) | 링크이동 |
포스팅 참고 자료
제목 | 링크이동 |
네시스 공식 위키 (일반) | 링크이동 |
네시스 공식 위키 (서버) | 링크이동 |
네시스 위키 (팬덤) | 링크이동 |
구축 영상 시리즈 다시 보기
아래 링크를 통해, 본 게임과 관련한 다양한 구축영상을 확인할 수 있습니다.
제목 | 링크이동 |
네세스 서버구축하기 : 윈도우 + 스팀클라이언트 | 링크이동 |
네세스 서버구축하기 : 윈도우 + 스팀CMD | 링크이동 |
서버 요구 스펙
현재 공식적으로 가이드되는 서버 스펙은 없으나, 대략 추정으로 산정하면
항목 | 스펙상세 (권고) |
CPU | Core i3-4160 이상 |
메모리 | 4GB 이상 |
디스크 | 500MB 이상 |
네트워크 | n/a |
방화벽 | UDP : 14159 |
SteamAppID | 1169370 |
Q : 서버 구축을 지원하는 OS
번호 | OS | Bit | Architecture |
1 | Windows | 64 bit | Intel/AMD |
2 | Linux | 64 bit | Intel/AMD |
Q : IPTime 외 다른 공유기를 사용중인데 포트포워딩 방법을 알려주세요
브랜드 | YouTube 링크 |
IPTime 공유기 | 링크이동 |
KT 공유기 | 링크이동 |
TP Link 공유기 | 링크이동 |
Next 공유기 | 링크이동 |
SK 브로드밴드 공유기 | 링크이동 |
서버 켜고 / 끄는 법
- 서버 시작 : StartServer.bat 파일 수행
- 서버 종료 : 자바 터미널에서 'X' 버튼을 눌러 서버 종료
- 서버 시작 : screen 유틸 수행 후 아래 명령어 수행
cd ~/Steam/steamapps/common/Necesse\ Dedicated\ Server/
- 서버 종료 : 터미널 화면에서 아래 명령어 수행
서버 실행 파라미터
Parameter | Description |
-help | Shows this help menu |
-nogui | Runs the server in terminal instead of opening the GUI |
-settings <file> | Settings file path to load server settings from |
-world <name> | World to load instead of being asked which to load |
-port <port> | Port to host at |
-slots <slots> | Amount of player slots |
-owner <name> | Anyone that connects with this name, will get owner permissions |
-motd <message> | Sets the message of the day. Use \\n for new line |
-password <password> | The password for the server, blank for no password |
-pausewhenempty <1/0> | Pauses the world when there are no players in server, defaults 0 |
-giveclientspower <1/0> | If the server should check client actions, a kind of anti-cheat. When off it will give a much smoother experience for clients. Defaults off. |
-logging <1/0> | If on the server will generate a log file for each session, defaults 1 |
-logs <folder> | What folder to place the logs, if logging is enabled |
-zipsaves <1/0> | If saves should be compressed, defaults to 1 |
-language <language> | Sets the language of the server, only used for occasional messages in log |
-ip <address> | Binds the server IP to the address |
-datadir <path> | Sets the path where cache, latest log, saves etc. are stored. Defaults to Necesse folder in appdata on different platforms |
-localdir | Same as -datadir, but uses the local directory the server is launched from |
서버 업데이트 방법
윈도우 (SteamClient)
- 기존 운영중인 서버 종료 → SteamClient에서 업데이트 버튼을 클릭하여 업데이트 수행
윈도우 (SteamCMD)
- 기존 운영중인 서버 종료 → install.bat 파일을 더블클릭하여 서버 업데이트 진행
- 서버를 종료하고 아래 명령어를 사용하여 서버 기동
steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 1169370 validate +quit
- 컨테이너를 종료하고, 다시 시작함
서버 세이브 파일 위치
- SteamClient
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Necesse Dedicated Server
- SteamCMD
{서버설치폴더}\steamapps\common\Necesse Dedicated Server
~/Steam/steamapps/common/Necesse\ Dedicated\ Server
서버 백업
윈도우 (SteamClient)
- 디렉토리 접근 : 윈도우키 + R 을 눌러 실행창을 띄우고, 디렉토리 접근 명령어 수행
- necesse → Saves → Worlds
관리자 명령어
명령어 | 권한 | 설명 | 치트 |
/help [<page/command>] | User | Lists all commands or gives information about a specific command | |
/playtime | User | Shows your current playtime on the server | |
/me <action> | User | Declare an action to the entire server | |
/w, /whisper or /pm <player> <message> | User | Whisper a message to another player | |
/mypermissions | User | Shows your permission level | |
/die | User | Kills yourself | |
/performance [<includeServer>] [<seconds>] | User | Records server performance over some seconds and creates a file with the results | |
/createteam | User | Creates a new team for yourself | |
/leaveteam | User | Leaves your current team | |
/invite <player> | User | Invites a player to your team | |
/network | Moderator | Shows network usage this session | |
/players | Moderator | Lists players currently online | |
/playernames | Moderator | Lists all authentications and their names | |
/levels | Moderator | Lists currently loaded levels | |
/save | Moderator | Saves all data | |
/kick <player> [<message/reason>] | Moderator | Kicks player from the server | |
/say <message> | Moderator | Talks in the chat as Server | |
/mow <range> [<chance>] | Admin | Mows ground of grass in range with percent chance | ✓ |
/time <set/add> [<amount>] | Admin | Sets/adds world time (can use (mid)day or (mid)night) | ✓ |
/clearall [<global>] | Admin | Clears all entities | ✓ |
/clearmobs [<global> [<type>]] | Admin | Clears all mobs or a specific type on your level or on all loaded levels | ✓ |
/clearevents [<global> [<type>]] | Admin | Clears all events on your level or on all loaded levels | ✓ |
/tp [<player1>] <player2/home/death/spawn> | Admin | Teleports player1 to player2 or other location | ✓ |
/print <message> | Admin | Prints a message in the chat | |
/give [<player>] <item> [<amount>] | Admin | Gives item to player | ✓ |
/buff [<player>] <buff> [<seconds>] | Admin | Gives buff to player | ✓ |
/clearbuff [<player>] <buff> | Admin | Clears buff from player | ✓ |
/reveal [<player>] | Admin | Reveals entire clients current level | ✓ |
/setisland [<player>] <islandX> <islandY> [<dimension>] | Admin | Changes the island of the player | ✓ |
/setdimension [<player>] <dimension> | Admin | Changes the dimension of player | ✓ |
/hp [<player>] <health> | Admin | Sets the health of player | ✓ |
/maxhp [<player>] <health> | Admin | Sets the max health of player | ✓ |
/mana [<player>] <mana> | Admin | Sets the mana of player | ✓ |
/maxmana [<player>] <mana> | Admin | Sets the max mana of player | ✓ |
/hunger [<player>] <hunger> | Admin | Sets the hunger percent of player | ✓ |
/deleteplayer <authentication/fullname> | Admin | Deletes a players files in the saved players folder | |
/settings <list/setting> [<arg>] | Admin | Change server world settings | |
/difficulty <list/difficulty> | Admin | Changes difficulty setting | |
/deathpenalty <list/penalty> | Admin | Changes death penalty setting | |
/raids <list/frequency> | Admin | Changes raids frequency setting | |
/pausewhenempty <0/1> | Admin | Enable/disable pause when empty setting | |
/maxlatency <seconds> | Admin | Sets the max latency before client timeout | |
/ban <authentication/name> | Admin | Bans a player | |
/unban <authentication/name> | Admin | Removes a ban | |
/bans | Admin | Lists all current bans | |
/rain [<islandX> <islandY> <dimension>] <start/clear> | Admin | Sets the rain on the level | ✓ |
/enchant <clear/set/random> [<slot>] [<enchantID>] | Admin | Clears, sets or gives a random enchant (use -1 slot for selected item) | ✓ |
/copyitem [<slot>] | Admin | Copies an item and all of its data | ✓ |
/healmobs <health> [<range>] [<filter>] | Admin | Heals mobs around you | ✓ |
/copyplayer <from> <to> | Admin | Copy a players inventory, position and health over to another | ✓ |
/demo [<player>] [<setup> [<forceNew>]] [<builds>] | Admin | Setups up a world and/or build for player | ✓ |
/getteam <player> | Admin | Gets the current team of the player | |
/clearteam <player> | Admin | Removes the player from his current team | |
/setteam <player> <team> | Admin | Sets the team of the player. | |
/setteamowner <team> <player> | Admin | Sets the owner of the team. The new owner must be part of the team already | |
/motd <clear/get/message> | Admin | Sets or clears the message of the day. Use \n for new line | |
/changename <player> <name> | Admin | Changes the name of a player | |
/sharemap [<from>] <to> | Admin | Shares your map discoveries with another player | ✓ |
/stop, /exit or /quit | Owner | Saves and stops the server | |
/password [<password>] | Owner | Set a password of the server, blank will be no password | |
/permissions <list/set/get> [<authentication/name> [<permissions>]] | Owner | Sets a players permissions | |
/regen [<islandX> <islandY> <dimension>] [<biome>] [<seeded>] | Owner | Regenerates the entire level | ✓ |
/allowcheats | Owner | Enables/allows cheats on this world (NOT REVERSIBLE) | ✓ |
/itemgnd [<slot>] <set/get/clear> [<key> [<value>]] | Owner | Gets or sets item GND data | ✓ |
/jobsearchrange <range> | Owner | Sets the job search tile range of settlers | |
/language <language> | Server | Sets server language settings |
Q : 리눅스에서, 명령어를 사용하면 Command not found 라고 에러가 떨어집니다.
특정 명령어가 설치 되지 않아서 발생되는 에러입니다.
- screen 명령어가 없을 경우
sudo apt install screen
- iptables 명령어가 없을 경우
sudo apt install iptables
- nano 명령어가 없을 경우
sudo apt install nano
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