




문서 개정 이력

날짜 제목 상세
2024-08-02 초안 작성 최초 메뉴얼 포스팅
2024-08-15 1차 개선 Save 파일 위치 업데이트 / 기타 오류 수정


테크팀 채널 소개

테크팀 채널은 누구나 친구들과 함께 즐길 수 있는 사설서버를 구축하기 위한 강의를 제공하기 위해 만들어졌습니다. 
아래와 같은 다양한 공식 자료를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
제목 링크이동
테크팀 유튜브 채널 링크이동
테크팀 디스코드 서버 링크이동
테크팀 강의 노트 링크이동
T2서버 (사설서버운영중) 링크이동


포스팅  참고 자료 

제목 링크이동
네시스 공식 위키 (일반) 링크이동
네시스 공식 위키 (서버) 링크이동
네시스 위키 (팬덤) 링크이동


구축 영상 시리즈 다시 보기 

아래 링크를 통해, 본 게임과 관련한 다양한 구축영상을 확인할 수 있습니다.
제목 링크이동
네세스 서버구축하기 : 윈도우 + 스팀클라이언트 링크이동
네세스 서버구축하기 : 윈도우 + 스팀CMD 링크이동


서버 요구 스펙

현재 공식적으로 가이드되는 서버 스펙은 없으나, 대략 추정으로 산정하면
항목 스펙상세 (권고)
CPU Core i3-4160 이상
메모리 4GB 이상
디스크 500MB 이상
네트워크 n/a
방화벽 UDP : 14159
SteamAppID 1169370


Q : 서버 구축을 지원하는 OS

번호 OS Bit Architecture
1 Windows 64 bit Intel/AMD
2 Linux 64 bit Intel/AMD


Q : IPTime 외 다른 공유기를 사용중인데 포트포워딩 방법을 알려주세요 

브랜드 YouTube 링크
IPTime 공유기 링크이동
KT 공유기 링크이동
TP Link 공유기 링크이동
Next 공유기 링크이동
SK 브로드밴드 공유기 링크이동


서버 켜고 / 끄는 법


  • 서버 시작 : StartServer.bat 파일 수행 


  • 서버 종료 : 자바 터미널에서 'X' 버튼을 눌러 서버 종료

'X'를 눌러 서버를 종료합니다.



  • 서버 시작 : screen 유틸 수행 후 아래 명령어 수행
cd ~/Steam/steamapps/common/Necesse\ Dedicated\ Server/
  • 서버 종료 : 터미널 화면에서 아래 명령어 수행


서버 실행 파라미터

Parameter Description
-help Shows this help menu
-nogui Runs the server in terminal instead of opening the GUI
-settings <file> Settings file path to load server settings from
-world <name> World to load instead of being asked which to load
-port <port> Port to host at
-slots <slots> Amount of player slots
-owner <name> Anyone that connects with this name, will get owner permissions
-motd <message> Sets the message of the day. Use \\n for new line
-password <password> The password for the server, blank for no password
-pausewhenempty <1/0> Pauses the world when there are no players in server, defaults 0
-giveclientspower <1/0> If the server should check client actions, a kind of anti-cheat. When off it will give a much smoother experience for clients. Defaults off.
-logging <1/0> If on the server will generate a log file for each session, defaults 1
-logs <folder> What folder to place the logs, if logging is enabled
-zipsaves <1/0> If saves should be compressed, defaults to 1
-language <language> Sets the language of the server, only used for occasional messages in log
-ip <address> Binds the server IP to the address
-datadir <path> Sets the path where cache, latest log, saves etc. are stored. Defaults to Necesse folder in appdata on different platforms
-localdir Same as -datadir, but uses the local directory the server is launched from


서버 업데이트 방법


윈도우 (SteamClient)
  • 기존 운영중인 서버 종료 → SteamClient에서 업데이트 버튼을 클릭하여 업데이트 수행



윈도우 (SteamCMD)
  • 기존 운영중인 서버 종료 → install.bat 파일을 더블클릭하여 서버 업데이트 진행


  • 서버를 종료하고 아래 명령어를 사용하여 서버 기동
steamcmd +login anonymous +app_update 1169370 validate +quit

  • 컨테이너를 종료하고, 다시 시작함


서버 세이브 파일 위치 


  • SteamClient

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Necesse Dedicated Server


  • SteamCMD
{서버설치폴더}\steamapps\common\Necesse Dedicated Server

~/Steam/steamapps/common/Necesse\ Dedicated\ Server


서버 백업 


윈도우 (SteamClient)
  • 디렉토리 접근 : 윈도우키 + R 을 눌러 실행창을 띄우고, 디렉토리 접근 명령어 수행 


  • necesse → Saves → Worlds

자신의 서버 월드맵을 볼 수 있음





관리자 명령어

명령어 권한 설명 치트
/help [<page/command>] User Lists all commands or gives information about a specific command  
/playtime User Shows your current playtime on the server  
/me <action> User Declare an action to the entire server  
/w, /whisper or /pm <player> <message> User Whisper a message to another player  
/mypermissions User Shows your permission level  
/die User Kills yourself  
/performance [<includeServer>] [<seconds>] User Records server performance over some seconds and creates a file with the results  
/createteam User Creates a new team for yourself  
/leaveteam User Leaves your current team  
/invite <player> User Invites a player to your team  
/network Moderator Shows network usage this session  
/players Moderator Lists players currently online  
/playernames Moderator Lists all authentications and their names  
/levels Moderator Lists currently loaded levels  
/save Moderator Saves all data  
/kick <player> [<message/reason>] Moderator Kicks player from the server  
/say <message> Moderator Talks in the chat as Server  
/mow <range> [<chance>] Admin Mows ground of grass in range with percent chance
/time <set/add> [<amount>] Admin Sets/adds world time (can use (mid)day or (mid)night)
/clearall [<global>] Admin Clears all entities
/clearmobs [<global> [<type>]] Admin Clears all mobs or a specific type on your level or on all loaded levels
/clearevents [<global> [<type>]] Admin Clears all events on your level or on all loaded levels
/tp [<player1>] <player2/home/death/spawn> Admin Teleports player1 to player2 or other location
/print <message> Admin Prints a message in the chat  
/give [<player>] <item> [<amount>] Admin Gives item to player
/buff [<player>] <buff> [<seconds>] Admin Gives buff to player
/clearbuff [<player>] <buff> Admin Clears buff from player
/reveal [<player>] Admin Reveals entire clients current level
/setisland [<player>] <islandX> <islandY> [<dimension>] Admin Changes the island of the player
/setdimension [<player>] <dimension> Admin Changes the dimension of player
/hp [<player>] <health> Admin Sets the health of player
/maxhp [<player>] <health> Admin Sets the max health of player
/mana [<player>] <mana> Admin Sets the mana of player
/maxmana [<player>] <mana> Admin Sets the max mana of player
/hunger [<player>] <hunger> Admin Sets the hunger percent of player
/deleteplayer <authentication/fullname> Admin Deletes a players files in the saved players folder  
/settings <list/setting> [<arg>] Admin Change server world settings  
/difficulty <list/difficulty> Admin Changes difficulty setting  
/deathpenalty <list/penalty> Admin Changes death penalty setting  
/raids <list/frequency> Admin Changes raids frequency setting  
/pausewhenempty <0/1> Admin Enable/disable pause when empty setting  
/maxlatency <seconds> Admin Sets the max latency before client timeout  
/ban <authentication/name> Admin Bans a player  
/unban <authentication/name> Admin Removes a ban  
/bans Admin Lists all current bans  
/rain [<islandX> <islandY> <dimension>] <start/clear> Admin Sets the rain on the level
/enchant <clear/set/random> [<slot>] [<enchantID>] Admin Clears, sets or gives a random enchant (use -1 slot for selected item)
/copyitem [<slot>] Admin Copies an item and all of its data
/healmobs <health> [<range>] [<filter>] Admin Heals mobs around you
/copyplayer <from> <to> Admin Copy a players inventory, position and health over to another
/demo [<player>] [<setup> [<forceNew>]] [<builds>] Admin Setups up a world and/or build for player
/getteam <player> Admin Gets the current team of the player  
/clearteam <player> Admin Removes the player from his current team  
/setteam <player> <team> Admin Sets the team of the player.  
/setteamowner <team> <player> Admin Sets the owner of the team. The new owner must be part of the team already  
/motd <clear/get/message> Admin Sets or clears the message of the day. Use \n for new line  
/changename <player> <name> Admin Changes the name of a player  
/sharemap [<from>] <to> Admin Shares your map discoveries with another player
/stop, /exit or /quit Owner Saves and stops the server  
/password [<password>] Owner Set a password of the server, blank will be no password  
/permissions <list/set/get> [<authentication/name> [<permissions>]] Owner Sets a players permissions  
/regen [<islandX> <islandY> <dimension>] [<biome>] [<seeded>] Owner Regenerates the entire level
/allowcheats Owner Enables/allows cheats on this world (NOT REVERSIBLE)
/itemgnd [<slot>] <set/get/clear> [<key> [<value>]] Owner Gets or sets item GND data
/jobsearchrange <range> Owner Sets the job search tile range of settlers  
/language <language> Server Sets server language settings  


Q : 리눅스에서, 명령어를 사용하면 Command not found 라고 에러가 떨어집니다.

특정 명령어가 설치 되지 않아서 발생되는 에러입니다. 


  • screen 명령어가 없을 경우
sudo apt install screen


  • iptables 명령어가 없을 경우 
sudo apt install iptables


  • nano 명령어가 없을 경우
sudo apt install nano

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